Thursday, January 30, 2020

Google in China Essay Example for Free

Google in China Essay Google is the fastest growing Internet search engine company. Google’s mission is â€Å"to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.†(International Business: Competing in the Global marketplace, pg 148-149) They have a mantra of â€Å"Don’t be Evil.† Google started this mantra to be the main message to show consumers they would not compromise the integrity of its search results. This case reviews the situation under which Google was required to censor its content and chose to launch its new search engine site. The case explains the role of the Chinese government and its regulations in the Internet market which had a negative effect on Googles operations in China. In 2000, Google started a Chinese language service. This service was operated from the United States. Chinese authorities blocked the site in 2002 because China censors information to their citizens. This block surprised Google’s managers. This was a challenge the managers did not plan on. If they done their research of the Chinese Government and culture prior to launching the Chinese language service, they would have known the block would be inevitable and they could have tailored their service to the Chinese regulations, culture, and laws. Google knew China was an advantageous business and they would need to adapt their service in order for it to be acceptable and profitable. Google also had to move the Chinese operations to China. Operating from the United States caused slow connection speed and hinder their operation and growth. This was a good move because it enabled Google to employee Chinese citizens who would be able to help understand and adapt to the Chinese laws, regulations, and censorship demands. Google managers made a mistake by not researching their target market. However, they acted quickly in learning and correcting this mistake. Google still offered Chinese citizens a better search engine, but it was not without censorship. The Google search engine offers more results than its competitors, Yahoo, Microsoft’s MSN, and China’s own company, Baidu. Google states Chinese consumers will â€Å"get more information on their site, though not quite all of it.† (International Business: Competing in the Global marketplace, pg 148-149) In 2006, Google had 30 percent share of China’s internet search engines. Baidu had 40 percent. This left another 30 percent split between Yahoo and Microsoft’s MSN search engines. These percentages are good, especially when one considers Yahoo and Microsoft had entered the Chinese search engine market prior to Google. Baidu has several advantages over Google that are mostly associated with it being a Chinese based company, the search engine has â€Å"competence in pinpointing queries in the Chinese language† (Yin Yulin, 2010, p. 4). Government relations with China are precarious for businesses effectiveness. Google did not have a clear understanding of what they would be involved in. China has become more supported and self-assured due to its increasing economic significance. They are more reluctant to be pressed by Western governments or companies into changing its long term regulations and censorship. Because of this aspect, China does not yet comprehend global strategies and the importance of global public relations. This causes them to be more rigid in their international business dealings. All-in-all, Google has been able to grow successfully in the Chinese search engine market and maintain the number two spot (behind Baidu) in China despite their lack of early research on the Chinese culture, governmental regulations, and laws. References International Business. Competing in the Global Marketplace, Seventh Edition, Chapter 3: Differences in Culture ISBN: 9780073381343 Author: Charles W. L. Hill copyright  © 2009 McGraw-Hill, a business unit of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Essay example --

Dalam kehidupan manusia dan dalam dunia matematik, kemahiran membuat anggaran adalah satu kemahiran yang amat penting. Seringkali kita perlu membuat anggaran tentang nilai-nilai di dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Ini termasuklah anggaran tentang duit, masa, jarak, berat dan sebagainya. Pembundaran adalah sejenis anggaran. Berdasarkan kepada kepentingan pembundaran dalam kehidupan seharian, maka amat wajar dan perlu strategi-strategi pembundaran nombor diajar di sekolah rendah lagi. Menbundarkan nombor adalah satu cara untuk mengganggar satu nombor bulat kepada digit tempat terdekat. Selain itu, pembundaran juga berperanan sebagai semakan kepada kemunasabahan kiraan yang tepat seperti ketika kita membuat sesuatu kiraan, kita perlu membuat anggarannya dahulu. Ia juga dapat membantu dalam kehidupan seharian kerana kebanyakan nombor-nombor yang ada di dalam bacaan adalah tidak tepat. Ia juga membantu untuk mengingat angka yang panjang dan besar. Pembundaran ini juga membantu murid berfi kir dan celik akal dan menghubungkan pengetahuan sedia ada. Secara tidak langsung, murid dapat mengembangkan bahasa, mudah berkomunikasi dengan rakan sebaya, guru, dan masyarakat. Murid juga akan termotivasi untuk berfikir bagi menyelesaikan masalah. Ia juga dapat membantu menganalisa situasi terutama sekiranya terdapat tawaran diskaun harga barangan di pasaraya-pasaraya. Murid akan belajar membuat keputusan dengan cepat, menggalakkan murid mengembangkan pemikiran berasas nombor dan memberi makna kepada pengiraan yang dibuat sekaligus membantu murid lebih konsisten dengan berdikari dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi. Secara tidak langsung, ia meningkatkan lagi perkembangan kognitif dalam perkembangan individu supaya lebih cepat menyelesaikan ... ...ecara mental.Murid-murid juga akan tahu bagaimana membundarkan kepada nilai anggaran berdasarkan nilai tempat dan pengetahuan berguna ini boleh mereka gunakan di dalam kehidupan seharian mereka sebenarnya. Pada pendapat saya, dalam pendidikan matematik, guru perlu arif dalam strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dapat memupuk murid membina konsep dan menguasai kemahiran di samping menghayatinya dalam kehidupan seharian. Guru matematik perlu memaparkan sifat-sifat yang matang, berfikiran terbuka, kreatif, inovatif, konstruktif, rasional dan bijaksana (Nik Azis, 1996). Pengajaran matematik yang berkesan akan menghasilkan pembelajaran matematik yang mudah dan menyeronokkan. Oleh yang demikian, pengetahuan tentang isi kandungan, kaedah mengajar (pedagogi), dan gaya pembelajaran murid (psikologi) mestilah dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh para pendidik matematik.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Identifying, Organizing, and Analyzing Your Sources Essay

Each statement below contains a logical fallacy. Identify the fallacy and briefly explain, in one or two sentences, why it is an error in reasoning. 1. Mabel is not qualified to lead the school board because she used to drink liquor in her 20s. †¢ Ad hominem: committed by attacking the person who’s making an argument, rather than the argument itself. One of the most common fallacies, it is a direct attack on a person’s character rather than focusing on his or her arguments. Stating that Mabel used to drink that why she is not qualified it a person attack. 2. A child can be either an athlete or a good student. †¢ Either/Or: An oversimplification that assumingly reduces several alternatives to a mere binary opposition, basically means you only have two choices. You only have two choices of being a athlete or a good student. You can choose to be bad student if you wanted. 3. Any change in health care will lead to socialism; we don’t want to live in a socialist country, so we can’t reform health care. †¢ Slippery Slope (Bad Precedent): assuming that a proposed step will set off an uncontrollable chain of undesirable events. Changing health will lead to socialism is an extreme statement. 4. All teenagers text while they drive; therefore, we should raise the driving age to 21. †¢ Hasty Generalization: drawing conclusions from too little of evidence and often relying on stereotypes. Say all teenager text and drive, well some teenager don’t have a car and/or a cell phone. 5. If we don’t all drive hybrid cars, the world will end in the next decade because of environmental damage. †¢ Slippery Slope (Bad Precedent): assuming that a proposed step will set off an uncontrollable chain of undesirable events. That an extreme statement stating that the world will end because we’ll don’t drive hybrid. 6. Senator Range has been seen entering a strip club; therefore, his economic reforms are not plausible. †¢ Ad hominem: committed by attacking the person who’s making an argument, rather than the argument itself. One of the most common fallacies, it is a direct attack on a person’s character rather than focusing on his or her arguments. In this case strip club makes the senator economic reform wrong it a personal attack, degrading his character which will degrade his reforms as mediocre  or of no value to the public. 7. Everyone else is getting rid of TV, so we should too. †¢ Bandwagon: Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right. We used to think that our planet was flat. 8. Because of the recent shootings in schools and theaters, we can conclude that these are inherently dangerous places that need more regulation. †¢ Begging the Question: an argument is held to be true because of practical truths and common sense. Common sense is sometimes correct, but all too many times all too commonly incorrect. 9. If you want a successful child, you should enroll him or her in as many early learning classes as possible. †¢ Creating false needs: emotional proof appeals to what people value and think they need. Advertisers often create a false sense of need in order to sell a product. 10. Music education is useless because it just teaches kids how to play music. †¢ Begging the question: restating the premise in the conclusion rather than disproving. Choose your answers from these eight fallacies. Note: Some of these will be used more than once. †¢ Begging the question †¢ Either-or †¢ Slippery slope †¢ Ad hominem †¢ Creating false needs †¢ Red herring †¢ Hasty generalization †¢ Bandwagon

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Qualities Of A Good Leader - 1694 Words

Leadership is the ability to lead or guide a group or an individual through your footstep and wisdom. Without good leaders to shape and guide, society will become stagnant. A good leader must possess the ability to recognize whatever is fair, good and honest, and to set good example of integrity and morel for others to follow. A good leader must never be opinionative until he or she has accounted for all the possibility and facts before having to make an educated decision. In addition he must be a strong thinker, to be able to think outside the box, meaning to approach decision making situation in an unconventional manner. A good leader is able to dream, have set goals to accomplish and will always gain trust and loyalty of his followers. Alexander the great was able to conquer most of the known world within his short life time as a result of his successful leadership skills. Born in the Pella region of Macedonia on July 20, 356 B.C., Alexander the Great was the son of King Philip II of Macedon and Queen Olympia, daughter of King Neoptolemus. Growing up in the royal court of Pella, Alexander hardly ever saw his father who spent most of his time occupied by military campaigns and affairs. Due to this Alexander grew up with his mother who served as a powerful role model for him and resented his father. â€Å"Alexander received his earliest education under the tutelage of Leonidas, who had been hired by King Phillip to teach Alexander math, horsemanship and archery† (Alexander theShow MoreRelatedThe Quality Of A Good Leader1054 Words   |  5 PagesUnit 5 performance task: The quality of a good leader Let’s imagine a group of twenty people lost on an isolated island with no one to help them. They will have to work together and find a certain organization to survive. But who is going to lead everyone? Who will be the most capable of that? This issue is tearing men for centuries. Kings, generals, presidents, teachers, PDG†¦ All are different, but have something in common: they are leaders. Trough history, many of famous one were born: ChurchillRead MoreQualities Of A Good Leader Essay1563 Words   |  7 Pageshave had the opportunity to experience being a leader. I have experienced democratic leadership through playing high school and college sports, being part of groups in college for class presentations, being a presenter for professional development, being a head varsity coach, and most recently being the winter coordinator, acting Athletic Director, for the high school I am employed. I have learned there are many important qualities in being a good leader. 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